Mauch Chunk Opera House Past Performance List

Working on a list:

8/18 jeff gaines
X 8/24 kaesherman
8/25 montblue
9/1 pink floyd
9/2 allentown band
9/8 cbw
9/22 enter the haggis
9/29 denver
10/5 fiore
X 10/6 battlefield
X 10/13 ryanshup
10/19 murphy
10/20 simon/garf
10/21 aj/john
10/28 badlees
11/2 montana skies
X 11/9 claire lynch
11/10 the band
11/21 harvest
12/14 miz/cabinet
12/14 thatcher christmas
12/15 coal cracker
12/30 tarten

1/2 great white caps
1/18 cobham
X 1/19 savoy brown
1/25 eilen jewell
X 1/26 fred eaglesmith
X 2/9 vagabond
2/16 tusk
X 2/23 jeanne joly
3/15 tarten
3/17 bway
3/23 george nakai
3/24 coalrounders/free range
X 4/19 willy porter
4/20 paula cole
4/26 miz / kalobgrifith
X 5/9 trampled under foot
X 5/10 lindsay lou flatbellies
5/11 stop making sense
5/18 commander cody
5/19 thatcher cd release
5/23 harrington
6/2 tea leaf green
6/15 thatcher fillmore
6/20 felice bothers
6/28 cabinet
6/29 dead
7/5 ben taylor
7/12 new riders
7/19 todd snider
X 7/20 incendio /todd synder
7/27 vagabond
8/2 marrakesh express
8/9 joe louis walker
x 8/10 forward motion
8/15 dustbowl/birdybush
8/30 billy burnett
X 8/31 bev conklin/deb callahan
9/6 mary fahl
X 9/7 solas
9/13 david wax
9/13 vinstie sessions
9/14 denver
X 9/21 splintered
X 9/25 bill kirchen
9/25 thackery
10/4 simon/garf
X 10/5 jeffrey gaines
10/6 swearingen
X 10/10 steepwater
10/25 badlees
X 11/1 day rubies/free range
X 11/8 duhks
11/9 cbr
X 11/22 kalob grifith
11/27 harvest
X 11/29 manatees
X 11/30 donna buffalo
x 12/19 albert cummings
12/20 coal cracker christmas
12/22 thatcher christmas


1/20 kelli/swear
1/20 woody
1/25 new guitar
X 2/1 lynch
2/8 blue
X 2/21 brom
2/21 dar
2/23 free range
3/17 cabinet
3/21 guit
3/22 keller
3/28 cc coletti
4/12 willy porter
4/16 stir fry
X 4/17 radio tower
X 4/20 free range
4/24 dead winter
X 5/1 nikki lane whigs
5/2 filmore
5/15 robbenford
X 5/17 bach (2 shows)
5/22 40 story
5/23 spotis
5/25 wyos
5/29 particle
X 6/14 cc coletti
X 6/19 free/ poor old shine
X 6/20 commander cody
X 6/21 popa chubby/ sterling cook
6/26 radio tower
X 6/27 stanley clark
X 6/28 mary fahl
X 7/16 barefoot / shupe
X 7/17 trampled under foot
7/24 radio tower
X 7/26 mipso/mclovin
X 8/16 kishi ridges
X 8/22 atlas grey
X 8/23 grascals /coal
8/28 40 story radio
X 8/30 simon felice
9/4 denver
9/7 sg
X 9/11 solas/cobham
X 9/17 jenny’s
9/19 wishbone
9/25 radio tower
9/27 mark doyle maniacs
X 9/28 leftover salmon
X 10/16 duhks
X 10/17 ryan montbleau
10/24 chubby
10/30 radio
11/7 battlefield
X 11/8 thatcher
11/14 shawn phillips
11/20 radio tower
X 11/22 sultans of string
11/26 harvest jam
X 11/29 steep glue
12/7 coal cracker
12/18 radio tower
12/19 splintered


1/15 stringdusters
1/24 mipso
1/29 radio tower
X 2/6 donna the buffalo

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